Sliding Door Shattered Glass
Is your sliding door glass cracked, or completely broken? This is a source of great danger to you and is subject to emergency repair.
The 24hr Sliding Door Repair experts take care of their customers and provide same-day glass replacement services.
Sliding Door Rollers
The professionals at 24hr Sliding Door Repair are here to solve your poorly working sliding door roller problem.
Our technicians have all the necessary parts and tools in their arsenal to repair or replace your broken sliding door rollers and wheels.
Sliding Door Track
Repairing sliding door tracks seems like something simple and appropriate for a do-it-yourself project, but it's not.
Let the 24hr Sliding Door Repair professionals perform quality track repairs so you don't have to face complications and pay double the price.
Sliding Door Lock
Since sliding door locks are used frequently, breakdowns and malfunctions of all kinds are not uncommon.
But worry no more, 24hr Sliding Door Repair provides lock maintenance, emergency replacement, or repair of sliding door locks of any configuration.
Sliding Door Handle
The handle is the most used part, and damaging it can cause a lot of unpleasant hassle as well as affect your sense of security.
Сontact 24hr Sliding Door Repair, and we'll take care of your broken sliding glass door handle to restore it to its former functionality.
Window & Screen Door Repair
If your window or screen door needs an inspection, maintenance, replacement, or emergency repair, 24hr Sliding Door Repair technicians can handle it like no other.
Our experts handle all types of sliding screen door repairs, just give us a call and we'll get it fixed.
Does your sliding glass door get stuck or misaligned? Did it bend out of place over the years? If you want to make your sliding glass door move more easily and slide properly, check out our advice below.
Make sure to call 24HR Sliding Door Repair for your clean replacement needs. We have 10+ years of experience and will reinstall or fix a damaged sliding glass door in no time at all.
Step-by-step DIY instructions on how to make a sliding glass door slide easier.
How to Make Your Glass Patio Door Slide Easier
The first steps include cleaning the tracks and reinstalling or fixing damaged or bent door tracks. Then, add lubricant. You can also adjust the rollers in your sliding glass door to make it slide more easily. Lastly, you can also remove the door and clean or replace the rollers. Then, you’ll need to reinstall the sliding glass door.

Cleaning and Reinstalling the Door Tracks
You should clean the door tracks and then reinstall them to make it easier to slide the glass door. You will need to use denatured alcohol to wipe down the top track. Next, use silicone to spray the door tracks to repel any grime.
Grab a vacuum and remove the excess dirt and debris from the track. Also, a bristle brush can help remove extra grime. Then, use alcohol or a cleaning solution to remove the last bits of soot. Add paraffin wax to lubricate the bottom track.
Take a look at the track to see if it has any bends. You can often fix any bent areas with pliers or a hammer and a wooden block. Now, align the door in the bottom track and tilt it upward.
The first part is to reattach the head stop. Now, move the door toward the latch-side jamb and screw in the adjustment screws. The door needs to remain parallel to the jamb. Lastly, apply a silicone-based lubricant to the door tracks to decrease friction and make the door easier to slide open.
Adjusting the Rollers
Now, it’s time to check the rollers. You should put the door on sawhorses to make it easier to view the rollers at the bottom. Now, pull out the plastic plugs on the rollers carefully with a prying tool. Using a screwdriver, rotate the adjustment screws clockwise. That will raise the rollers. Go in the other direction to lower them.
Test by opening the door to see if it helped. Now, add silicone lubricant to the rollers. Lastly, you will need to reinstall the plastic plugs back onto the adjustment screws. You’ll have to pat them in place with a hammer and wood block.
Removing the Patio Door
If these processes didn’t work to improve the ease of opening the door, the problem could be damaged or dirty rollers. We will explain how to remove the door from the tracks to fix the rollers. You will need to:
- Find where the roller adjustment screws are
- Unscrew them counterclockwise with a screwdriver
That should move the rollers and allow you to remove the door stop by unscrewing it. Once you’ve done all the unscrewing, you should carefully remove the door from the track.
Scrubbing or Replacing the Rollers
Do the rollers look damaged? If so, you’ll need to replace them. Another issue may solely be dirt and grime. Do your rollers look dirty? If so, all you need to do is clean them off with a cleaning solution and a bristle brush. That should help make it much easier to slide the glass door.
Once you’ve cleaned off the dirt, make sure to rub denatured alcohol onto the rollers. You can also use silicone spray to stave off any dirt in the future.
Reinstalling the Door
When you’ve fixed the rollers and got them back into place, put the door back in place by following the steps you took to remove the door in reverse. Now, adjust the rollers and your door should slide more easily.

Fixing the Alignment of a Bent Sliding Glass Door
Many sliding glass doors can end up misaligned after you and your kids keep opening the doors to get outside and spend time in your backyard. To fix the alignment, you will need to remove the glass door from the track and put it back in the right position.
The rollers at the bottom of the door will need to remain aligned before you put the screws back in. Move the bottom of the door into place while ensuring that the top of the door aligns properly with the track.
Rotate the adjustment screws in the top part of the door, which should help the door slide more easily. Lastly, readjust the screws when everything is put back in place.