Oh well, now you have a sticky situation on your hands and have no idea what to do. Worry not! You have come to the right place.

Glass sliding doors are a great addition to a home. They provide a house with a convenient way to get in as much natural lighting as possible and a great view of the great outdoors. They are perfect. But they are not immune to issues and can be quite annoying sometimes.

But if you have a sticking glass door and came looking for solutions, you are in the right place. Although annoying, it is a simple sliding door repair process that even an individual with basic repair skills can do with a bit of effort.

Here is a step-by-step guide to help you with the sliding door fix.

Step 1: Clean Dirt Build-up on the Track

Glass door tracks are home for dirt, debris, hair, dead bugs, all kinds of grass, food crumbs, you name it. All the action around the door tends to leave evidence on the track in the form of dirt and debris.
Therefore, it is crucial to check and clean any residue that might get stuck in the tracks.

First, vacuum off all the big chunks that you can see, then use a soft brush to dislodge any stubborn pieces lodged deep into the tracks – move the doors around and ensure you reach every corner. Now vacuum again and leave the place squeaky clean.

Step 2: Check for Misalignment

Check for misalignment if the tracks are clean and the door is still not working correctly. Sometimes glass sliding doors can get knocked off their path, causing them to stick. However, it is a minor problem that can easily be fixed by lifting the door off slightly and re-placing it on the track. You can do it yourself or get someone to help.

To prevent this from happening in the future, always open and close your glass sliding doors gently. Avoid slamming them on the rails.

Step 3: Check the Rollers

The next step is to check the rollers. Glass sliding doors use rollers to slide on the tracks. Over time, the rollers get dirty, broken, worn out, or misadjusted, which then causes issues with the sliding. To fix a fix sliding glass door, you will need to uninstall the door from its hinges and inspect the roller while the door is on the ground.

Spending on the condition of the rollers, you may need to clean, re-adjusted repair, or replace them before installing back the door. This is a simple DIY project that you can do with a helper. However, if you are in doubt, you can always call in a professional handyman.

Step 4. The Glass Sliding Door Is Just Old

If the first three steps do not work, maybe the door is just old and living its last days. An old glass sliding door might have wrapped wooden frames or dented aluminum frames that are causing problems. If this is the case, then it is time to call 24hr Sliding Door Repair professional at 877-299-9179 for a sliding glass door repair or replacement.

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